Portluxe is a platform for buying and selling authentic pre-owned fashion luxury branded items, offering exclusive clothing, shoes, bags and accessories, from classics to seasonal. Our philosophy at Portluxe is to ensure an easy process for both sellers and buyers. Portluxe was established in 2014, with vast experience handling multiple brands and wide collection of products.
For sellers, finding a new home for your pre-loved luxury items should be simple. At Portluxe, we make it easy for you. We handle everything for you, from evaluation and authentication to photography and product listing to payment and shipping. All you have to do is drop off your items at our showroom.
Buyers at portluxe have the privilege of getting great deals from a wide range of guaranteed authentic luxury items in good to brand new condition, provided within an exceptional luxury shopping experience either via our online store or a physical showroom at Plaza Damas.
Benefits of Buying Preowned?
1. Saves more money
2. Sustainable and eco-friendly
3. Help small business
4. Stand out with unique pieces
5. Ethical and humane
At Portluxe, we carry pre-owned items from luxury designer fashion labels such as Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Fendi. Each item is handpicked and carefully inspected to be featured in our online store. Our goods are authenticated before being listed so you can rest assured that all our items are the real deal at great prices.
Our founder and Creative Director, Nur Nadia SM Nasimuddin, shares her passion for fashion and her love of style by bringing Portluxe to fruition. The Portluxe team is dedicated to bringing the best designer brands to fashion lovers everywhere with the click of a button. Whether you are looking to add a little bit of luxury to every day, glam up for a special occasion, or to give the gift of luxe to someone special, you will find what you are looking for at Portluxe.
Portluxe is owned by Port Luxe Sdn Bhd (1077172-H)